STILL LIFE en tiempo real

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Tiempo online 13 años 7 meses 16 días 12h 20m 10s

¿Por qué no se controla el cuerpo?

Because we have a heart, it is uncontrollable, and dominates all our thoughts and acts, make us dream with impossible things and moves us to make them come true. Even if it hurts and even if they are faraway.

Flavio Tomé de Oliveira | Videographer

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Still life | Pieza 34

Archivo fotográfico, S/T de la serie Still Life. Pieza 34 enviada a Flavio Tomé de Oliveira (Suiza).

Pieza 34 | Plan B (1) Pieza 34 | Plan B (2) Pieza 34 | Plan B (3) Pieza 34 | Plan B (4) Pieza 34 | Plan B (5) Pieza 34 | Plan B (6)

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